Verizon Drive Thru

Art Direction Ad CampaignCase Study
Fall 2022 | Shortlist, Young Ones Competition (2022)
Role: Art Director
Team: Art Director (Mina Chung), Copy Writer (Terence O’Neil)
Tools: Adobe Illustrator, After Effects, Photoshop

What if you have a client meeting in an hour but forgot to bring your charger? For those who need a quick solution, we introduce to you the Verizon Drive Thru, a pop-up drive thru experience, modeled after fast-food chains.

To tackle the prompt of “increasing Verizon’s tech accessories sales”, our team created an activation campaign aimed to launch in select major cities, which I participated as an art director to design packaging design, social graphics, drive-thru experience, and a case study video. So... “Would you like any tech accessories with that?”

The Drive Thru Experience

From the moment you enter the Verizon Drive Thru, customers will be greeted 
by the menu board where they can find select products available to quickly pick up at the drive thru. All Verizon accessories delivered to the customer at the pick up window will be packaged inside paper bags, inspired from fast-food chains to stay consistent with the tone of the campaign.

Out of Home Advertisements

Along with the drive thru branches, other efforts to promote this could be through placing out of home advertisements like highway bilboards or taxi that can be easily seen by our target audience who are always on-the-go.  

