

UI/UX  Brand Identity   Designathon

 Honorable Mention

November 2020 | College + MTV Creative Jam
PARTNER: Hannah Hong

WonderPass is an app aimed towards young adults that encourages exploration of historical movements by attending events, donating to organizations, educating through movies and books, and completing trails, which are curated pathways that pinpoint historical landmarks, museums, or cultural hotspots. Users can earn stamps through completing the suggested tasks, which the stamps can be converted to donation money.

This 3 day long UI/UX designathon, hosted by Adobe, resulted in an Honorable Mention. 


Designed to Empower & Encourage Users

The College + MTV Creative Jam Designathon challenged students with a thought-provoking prompt:

Using Adobe XD, design a mobile app that empowers individuals to encourage an advocacy for an important cultural event or historic event among their network. The app should encourage donations, volunteerism, and action.

The Challenge

What provokes one to take action?
How do we make it exciting to learn?

Our goal

Learning about unfamiliar topics can be daunting for many. When given the designathon challenge, we wanted to excite the users to feel like they are starting a new journey or exploration of different cultural or historical movements as the topic might have been difficult to get into.

Theme of the app

Socialize, culture, movement... PASSPORT.

Together with my partner Hannah, we decided to treat users like travelers exploring to learn about different historical or cultural movements who wants to share their journey with others.

Our Solution

The Features

The app allows user to find areas or historical landmarks to visit to learn about the event/ history. Inspired from passport stamps that travelers receive whenever they visit a new airport, the app rewards the user with a Wonderpass stamp.

Once users collect stamps, they are able to trade them for monetary value to be donated to a charity of their choice on the app. We created this as an incentive for people to take action while having fun doing so. They can  watch documentaries with their friends, complete trails with their family, eat at small businesses, and donate money to charity as a result.

Besides activity challenges in the app, Wonderpass also includes various resources and information for educational purposes.

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